Monthly ➡️ Yearly or Quarterly
If you're a monthly member and want to upgrade to a yearly or quarterly membership:
1. Log in to Food Blogger Pro
2. Click the drop-down menu in the top right corner and click Account Dashboard
3. Click Change Your Plan
2. Choose yearly or quarterly, and click the orange button for your desired plan
3. Add your billing information to the fields provided, then click Register (Note: your membership will be prorated based on the amount of time you have left in your current pay period)
4. You'll see a confirmation page showing you that your membership has been updated 🎉
Quarterly ➡️ Yearly
If you're a quarterly member and want to upgrade to a yearly membership:
1. Log in to Food Blogger Pro
2. Click the drop-down menu in the top right corner and click Account Dashboard
3. Click Change Your Plan
2. Click the orange Choose Yearly button
3. Add your billing information to the fields provided, then click Register (Note: your yearly membership will be prorated based on the amount of time you have left in your current pay period)
4. You'll see a confirmation page showing you that your membership has been updated 🎉
Yearly ➡️ Monthly
The monthly membership option isn't available at this time, so you can't downgrade from a yearly plan to a monthly plan.